How do digital platforms restructure power relations in the care economy?

Gender Platforms

How do digital platforms restructure power relations in the care economy?

platform workerssocial justiceworkgig economy

Project Type

Funded Project

The Gender Platforms project wanted to build an understanding of how long-standing racist, patriarchal and capitalist systems fundamentally structure the platform labour economy. They hosted a workshop with Autonomy: ‘The platformization of care: researching for resistance’ which brought together researchers, trade unionists, workers and policy practitioners to draw on their experience and expertise to collaboratively map changes across the sector and identify key strategic priorities.

Through collaborative power-mapping using digital tools and discussion they aimed to answer two questions: How do digital platforms restructure power relations in the care economy? What are the implications of these changes for building worker and community power and resisting corporate consolidation? They created a power map that showed a heavily financialised sector, illuminated the backgrounds of powerful individuals such as CEOs and investors and identified potential allies with shared targets and aims.

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